If that did happen, it was a remarkable comeback for him to work his way onto the GB.
i've seen little bites about this for over a year.
i understand that somewhere there is a video in which a woman named pat garza publicly accuses wts governing body member ted jaracz of having molested her as a child.
does anyone have this video?
If that did happen, it was a remarkable comeback for him to work his way onto the GB.
i've seen little bites about this for over a year.
i understand that somewhere there is a video in which a woman named pat garza publicly accuses wts governing body member ted jaracz of having molested her as a child.
does anyone have this video?
Was this in California? Was it someone named Erica? I'm researching this. Please send me a direct message if you are not comfortable writing about it publicly. Thank you in advance.
'Witnesses told FOX31 Denver that a person had fired a gun in the parking lot at a member of the Jehovah’s Witness congregation and tried to throw an item “similar in appearance to a pipe bomb” into the building on Christmas morning.'
'Pipe bombs' tend to be preplanned. Likely a suicide note was made, telling all, which police don't tend to release.
at the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
page 3
plmkrzy20 years ago
All I can say is I hope this speach hasn't damaged the credibility of the cause.
satanic rituals
The reporters listened and took notes you know
If some didn't like Pat Garza's speech 20 years ago, (page 3) some probably won't like this language from yesterday's paper either.
In another incident during field service, a witness claimed that all the Swisher boys that included Greg Swisher, Jeramy Swisher and Shawn Swisher would “brush against girls’ breasts with their elbows or shoulders.” The affidavit claimed Shawn Swisher was the worst.
The affidavit includes allegations from a 16-year-old victim who was delivering packages to Swisher’s home. The victim recalled standing in Swisher’s doorway, then seeing Swisher with what looked like a needle, and finally lying on their back while being raped in the living room.
The victim stated that Swisher’s father, Gordon Swisher, was in his recliner watching while Swisher raped the victim. The affidavit stated that the victim “focused on the window with the light coming through the blinds,” while being attacked. After the assault, Swisher “threw [redacted] out like garbage.”
In a zoom meeting that included other elders, Swisher was confronted by the victim but denied all accusations stating he never touched, hurt or raped the victim, per court documents.
Another victim accused Swisher of being part of an occult that took place at a house located in the 300 block of Brook Lane in Turkey Rock in Teller County. At different times of the year, the occult would allegedly get together to torture and sexually abuse victims, according to the affidavit.
A victim stated that Swisher became the ring leader in 2002 and continued the tradition of regularly raping victims. The victim also listed two others in the congregation that were part of the occult.'
Affidavit: Religious elder abused, raped children for decades | FOX31 Denver (
i've seen little bites about this for over a year.
i understand that somewhere there is a video in which a woman named pat garza publicly accuses wts governing body member ted jaracz of having molested her as a child.
does anyone have this video?
16 years agoMy wife and I went to the Silent Lambs march in NY. I have a video of the march that includes the acusation.
was watchtower given $$$ for their pro vaccine stance?
and how much?.
shocking vaers data reveals 4070% increase in miscarriages — naomi wolf interview - graph at 6:10.
2023 will be year from hell – martin armstrong.
co.. 'in the affidavit, one witness said swisher told them to not tell anyone about what he did.
'“That form is to be kept, literally, in a safe, never to be opened, or shared with anyone at a congregation,” he said. “In some cases, what I’ve seen is, they destroy the records at the local congregation level, and a copy is kept at their headquarters, in New York.”
Fritz argues that transporting written evidence from local cities and counties — where crimes would be prosecuted — to New York is a move meant to stymie investigators.
“It’s somewhat a shell game,” he said. “Local law enforcement doesn’t have the resources to do interstate investigations.”
That culture of secrecy, though, is starting to crack.
“The wall is beginning to come down,” Fritz said. “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
The Attorney General’s Office asks others who have abuse allegations to contact a special hotline: 1-888-538-8541.'
With Fritz saying, “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
Will be interesting once report is public, if the Pennsylvania grand jury investigation got all 50 USA state records or just the records from the state of PA.
michael moore writes:.
a cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control.
cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting.
45 years ago this was about all one could find.
Now there's dozens if not hundreds, and more coming.
2023 will be year from hell – martin armstrong.
co.. 'in the affidavit, one witness said swisher told them to not tell anyone about what he did.
'In the affidavit, one witness said Swisher told them to not tell anyone about what he did. However, he said even if they did tell someone, Swisher reportedly told the victim "no one would believe" them anyway because of who Swisher was.
One witness, who left the Kingdom Hall, told investigators victims were afraid to report the incidents because they would lose privileges in the Kingdom Hall or be excommunicated. According to the affidavit, an elder was removed from their position because they wouldn't stop investigating the claims against Swisher.
According to the affidavit, witnesses allege other elders "didn't do anything" regarding Swisher despite being told by numerous people of the allegations.'
'Jeffrey Fritz, a Philadelphia attorney,... even the organization’s policies on S-77 forms are rooted in evading accountability. “The wall is beginning to come down,” Fritz said. “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
'Hill volunteered, as recently as two years ago, at another congregation in Berks County, but was removed from that position because of complaints about inappropriate contact with 11- and 12-year-old boys, investigators allege.' Why hadn’t elders reported Hill to law enforcement?'
'The committee likened Hill’s crimes to alcoholism: “ … so it was with Brother Hill’s addiction when around young boys,” they wrote on the form, which was later mailed to the Witnesses’ leadership, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.'
campbell's god mother .
valerie campbell has admitted that she is a devout jehovah's witness.
NY Bankers wanted Marty
'Sex has always been a tool for getting into someone’s corner or organization. After reading Whitney Webb’s books, I was flying back from London with my assistant after finishing a conference there. I stood by the curb in New York waiting for the limo to pick us up.
There was a provocative black girl standing there who began to chat me up for I had just landed flying the Concord. I was being polite but I assumed she may have been looking to pick someone up from the plane as you often find traveling around.
When my assistant returned from the bathroom and the limo arrived, we got in and she said to me – “Boy, I can leave you alone for 5 minutes you are talking to a supermodel” I was befuddled. I said I thought she was one of the typical girls looking to pick up a traveler.
She said that’s Naomi Campbell. That still did not mean anything to me. I said sorry, I do not read fashion magazines. After reading Whitney Webb mentioning her, I began to wonder if there was more to that casual conversation that I was oblivious to.'